
How To Price Your Art — Career Advice for Artists: 8 Common Mistakes & How To Fix Them (4/8)

Read our full article and discover the 8 common mistakes here: https://www.contemporaryartissue.com/8-mistakes-artists-make-and-how-to-fix-them/
Or, read our extensive article on ‚How To Succeed As An Artist‘: https://www.contemporaryartissue.com/how-to-succeed-as-a-painter-artist-everything-you-actually-need-to-know/.
Discover our services for artists and request 1-on-1 professional advice: https://www.contemporaryartissue.com/for-artists/
Read Phaidon’s publication on how to become a successful artist here: https://amzn.to/3cy6t4m

Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/contemporaryartissue

Contemporary Art Issue
Platform, Publisher & Gallery on Contemporary
Website: https://www.contemporaryartissue.com
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Services for artists: https://www.contemporaryartissue.com/

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Table of contents:
00:00 — Web series Introduction: 8 Crucial Career Advice Videos
00:29 — Video Introduction: Vision & Consistency Explained
01:23 — Major Career Mistake 4: Inconsistent Pricing
01:35 — How To Price Your Art
04:39 — How To Price Your Paintings
08:26 — Where To Discover More Information
09:04 — Outro

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