
CONTEMPORARY ARTIST : Painter Jessica Zoob inside the Sussex studio

See more of Jessica Zoob’s large wall art and large canvas art here: https://www.jessicazoob.com/fine-art-paintings/commissions/

Creating a large contemporary oil painting on a big, over-sized canvas has its delights and challenges. It is utterly exhausting but painting huge is unbelievably exhilarating. Hundreds of hours of work go into the process of building up the many layers of oil paints. Sometimes a painting can take many years to make and during that process they develop a character of their own. Minimum lead time on a commission is 10 months but for a heavily layered piece it is advisable to think in terms of at least two years. I’m unashamedly trying to capture beauty and reflect it as an antidote to our frenetic times. My aim is to create something that lifts the viewers spirits and provides peace and tranquility. My style is constantly changing as I keep discovering new paints and techniques and I want to explore the limitless possibilities of colour on canvas. I don’t ever want to become bored and always push myself to take greater creative risks. I love to work with oil paints and adore the jewel colours that come from natural pigments enabling an incredible relationship between nature and the painting. There is an immediacy to my work too and a direct and absorbing relationship with each piece that can be really exciting.

TechnoKunst.ART erzählt und zeigt umfangreich wie Techno Kunst enstanden ist, wie sie sich manifestiert, was sie ausdrückt, wo sie zu finden ist, wer die Protagonisten sind, wie sie aussieht, wie sie klingt und noch ein bisschen mehr. Dazu gibts es mit "INSPIRATION" selbst eine Art digitales Kunstprojekt. Algorithmusgesteuert wird hier Kunst aus verschiedenen Quellen extrahiert, aufbereitet und importiert.