
Abstract Painting / DEMO 58 / Abstract Art / How to Paint / Painting Techniques

Quick demo of abstract painting in acrylics.

Colors: yellow deep, cadmium orange, burnt sienna, black, and white


Welcome to my channel. I’m an abstract artist who loves painting with different techniques to create abstract art. This is sort of a personal challenge to paint as often as possible and create something beautiful and interesting every time I paint. I’m creating videos of each painting as I go. I hope you will enjoy them.

Please SUBSCRIBE to this channel to show your support and to stay informed about new videos. Be sure to TURN ON the alarm under the little bell.

You can find everything you need to create these paintings here. If you shop through Amazon please use the links below to shop for these products:

Canvas Panels – http://weav.me/~k5ax
Chip Brushes – http://weav.me/~k5aR
Acrylic Paints – http://weav.me/~k5aP
Artists Paintbrushes – http://weav.me/~k5a4
Palette Knives – http://weav.me/~k5f9
Squeeze Bottle Fine Tip – http://weav.me/~k5f+
Masking Tape – http://weav.me/~k5fP

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RayGrimesFineArt

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