
#17. Modified Bloom | Acrylic Fluid Pouring | Bloom Technique | Abstract Art | Contemporary Art

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Today I’m doing a solo Bloom Pour using the Sheleeart Bloom Technique. I thought I’d go back to basics.

I battled today with my composition on the first pour, so I did a re-pour. I used a custom pillow that I mixed with Paint tint and I’m happy with the overall pillow colour.

I used a 12″ x 12″ (30cm x 30cm) MDF board, I love the outcome, soft, delicate and very feminine.

Ingredients used are as follows :

White Excelsior All Purpose Acrylic Sheen + Burnt Umber tint and a Burnt Sienna.

Pouring Medium
3 parts Untinted Pearlglo
1 Part Waterbased Polyurethane Varnish
(this is mixed with my colours at a ratio of 1 part paint to 3 parts Pouring Medium)

My Cell activator is Amsterdam Lamp Black mixed with Australian Floetrol at a ratio of 1 part paint to 4 parts Australian Floetrol.

Colours used :
Gold – NAA Dekade Paints
Interference Gold – Cadence
Alizarin Crimson – Iris
Alizarin Crimson – Iris + Lamp Black – Winsor & Newton
Bordeaux – Cadence + a smidge of Winsor & Newton Lamp Black

All paints are mixed with the above pouring medium at a ratio of 1 part paint to 3 parts Pouring Medium.

All my paintings are for sale, should you be interested in a piece, please don’t hesitate to send me an email bev.davids@outlook.com

Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already and please hit the bell so you can get a notification when I upload new content.

Thank you so much for watching and supporting my love of art.

Much love

🎵 Epidemic Sound

Contemporary art, acrylic painting, abstract art, no silicone, pouring medium, acrylic pouring, acrylic painting, acrylic pour, pigments, bloom technique, art therapy, iris Acrylics, sheleeart style, abstract fluid art, Bev Davids Fluid art, fluid art tutorials, pour painting, abstract fluid art, south africa fluid art, south africa contemporary art, south africa pour painting, south africa abstract art

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