


artworks 000448476528 acg18l


Hey hey hey everybody!

wow! cant believe it we are around the corner of November. A LOT of things are happening this month I guess. I’m having my birthday, celebrate with families and friends, works in RL, and OFC the fun part is MORE COVERS!!!!

Yeap, MORE COVERS! can you believe it? I have 2 covers currently going on in November, and this is the first one out! this is my cover of KIRA’s original song ‚PIECE OF ART‘ originaly sang by GUMI. I really love how GUMI really rocks the song sounding sassy, she really kills the song! I can’t wait to cover more of KIRA’s song!

If KIRA will ever stop by here, I DO hope he would enjoy this haha *tears full of hope* #thatsenpainoticemething

Youtube version HERE! it rocks well with the MV –

For HD version Download, I recommend to download from this link –

so anyway, hope you enjoy! tell me what you think! don’t forget to give it a like, repost and share it with your friends! I made covers specially for people to enjoy! <3 see you soon on my next cover! (believe me, it will be very soon ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ORIGINAL SONG: Kira ILLUSTS: Ekkoberry ORIGINAL VOCAL: GUMI VOCAL COVER: ORion (Hi!) MIX, MASTERING: Rainych Ran

TechnoKunst.ART erzählt und zeigt umfangreich wie Techno Kunst enstanden ist, wie sie sich manifestiert, was sie ausdrückt, wo sie zu finden ist, wer die Protagonisten sind, wie sie aussieht, wie sie klingt und noch ein bisschen mehr. Dazu gibts es mit "INSPIRATION" selbst eine Art digitales Kunstprojekt. Algorithmusgesteuert wird hier Kunst aus verschiedenen Quellen extrahiert, aufbereitet und importiert.