
Art Style: Techno | Podcast #084 : Björn Torwellen [FACEBOOK.COM/ARTSTYLETECHNO]


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Björn Torwellen

From the moment his spaceship crashed on our little planet, Björn Torwellen was excited as well as inspired by its musical variety and looked deeply into each genre to expand his musical talent. In his youth then then discovered his fascination for electronic dance music…. Which was called „Techno“, where he finally found his home. Getting more and more into it, he became a real „Techno-Punk“ and started to spin records as well as first steps in producing own tracks. It became a passion. He lives Techno. His sound is dirty – His Techno is minimal.


Björn Torwellen – Squirting Endorphins EP – Crosstech Records
Björn Torwellen – Kalk Kapelle – Arcussinus002
Björn Torwellen – Blacknoise EP – DFR-X002
Björn Torwellen – Shapeshifter – Steil004

sonn EPs on Nachtstrom Schalplatten, BCR

Remixes on:

Peter Schmidt – Central Station EP – Steil002
Nils Mohn – Ballerina EP – Steil003


Writer of „Ableton Live Profi Guide“, on PPV Medien
Writer of „Hand On Massive“, on DVD Lernkurs


Art Style: Techno

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TechnoKunst.ART erzählt und zeigt umfangreich wie Techno Kunst enstanden ist, wie sie sich manifestiert, was sie ausdrückt, wo sie zu finden ist, wer die Protagonisten sind, wie sie aussieht, wie sie klingt und noch ein bisschen mehr. Dazu gibts es mit "INSPIRATION" selbst eine Art digitales Kunstprojekt. Algorithmusgesteuert wird hier Kunst aus verschiedenen Quellen extrahiert, aufbereitet und importiert.